Wednesday, June 30, 2004

Day One of the War with

Day one: No official casualties yet. Steve has posted a responce which you can read at the heathen's site Apparently, that coward can't fight his battles alone so he's latched onto emo poster boy, Brandon Hagan's Live Journal. Really, Steve? A Live Journal? Why bother? I don't think you're going to need anything holding you back, bitch, cause I'm coming full force. If I have to take down an Elvish Emo Kid, that's cool. I was gonna do that anyway.

This war has just begun.

Tuesday, June 29, 2004

A Declaration...

My first act as operator of the newly restored blog of Stand Up Comedian Sean Sullivan is to officially, openly, and obstensibly (i'm not sure that means but it sounds important and let's be honest, you don't know what it means or how to use it either so...) declare an official, open, and obstensive war on

There will be many casualties in this war and it will not be an easy victory. Don't get me wrong, it'll be a victory for, it just won't be easy.
My enemy is cunning man. He goes to Harvard. I go to UMass Amherst.
Advantage: Steve.
But I'm from the mean streets of Brockton. My enemy is also from Brockton but he comes from the lame streets.
Advantage: Sean.
His choice of weapon will most likely be optic blast mixed with a little telekinesis. I shall opt for retractable adamantium claws and super quick healing powers.
Advantage: Draw.

So stay tuned, loyal readers, as in the coming weeks... nay... months... nay... years, you shall expect to hear much rejoicing from the battlefields of cyberspace as spills the blood of all over the digital heartland.

As sure as the Sun rises in the somewhere and sets somewhere else, Stand Up Comedian Sean Sullivan will be victorious.

Take note, Ken Burns.

The Second Very First Post

I'm going to write in my blog more often that I have in the past. I'm going to write in my blog more often that I have in the past. I'm going to write in my blog more often that I have in the past. I'm going to write in my blog more often that I have in the past. I'm going to write in my blog more often that I have in the past. I'm going to write in my blog more often that I have in the past. I'm going to write in my blog more often that I have in the past. I'm going to write in my blog more often that I have in the past. I'm going to write in my blog more often that I have in the past. I'm going to write in my blog more often that I have in the past. I'm going to write in my blog more often that I have in the past. I'm going to write in my blog more often that I have in the past. I'm going to write in my blog more often that I have in the past. I'm going to write in my blog more often that I have in the past. I'm going to write in my blog more often that I have in the past. I'm going to write in my blog more often that I have in the past. I'm going to write in my blog more often that I have in the past. I'm going to write in my blog more often that I have in the past.