Tuesday, May 17, 2005


On Friday 5/13, I randomly selected 3 actors and an ensemble of 8. I then had to write a 10 minute play using the trigger line, "More than you can imagine." I took this all to the Sketch 22 "comedy" show. I came up with a basic situation and then left about half-way through the "comedy" show because I had enough of the "comedy" and was becoming quite "angry" at how "funny" it was.

I started writing at 10pm. I finished the first draft at 12:30am. I then let Seangeorge read it while I watched the Sox lose like 84-3. I finished a second draft at 1:30am. We went to the Whately diner at 2:15 where I ate a BLT and greasy fries. I then went home and slept.

I woke up at 7:15, took a shower, and got dressed. I made it to the Fine Arts Center at 8 and dropped off my play. I met my director, Byam Stevens, artistic director of the Miniature Theater of Chester, and discussed my play and cleared up any confusion. I stayed there until 11:30 then came home and went to sleep.

I woke up around 4, ate some Frosted Mini-Wheats, and watched part of Rambo II, part of Rambo III, and part of the 13th Warrior with Seangeorge. We also watched the video game channel. I then took another shower and got dressed. I went to Kassandra's to iron my shirt and then back to my house to get food from my parents.

I got hamburgers, rolls, sandwich steaks, chicken, cookies, caramel creams, stuffing, shake and bake, and green beans. I then went back to the Fine Arts Center at 7 to hang out till the show started at 8.

My play went last. Four plays went before mine.

Afterward, I had to awkwardly stand around while people kept telling me how much they loved my play. I, being unable to take compliments and also being slightly jaded, shut down at what I presumed was false sincerity but was actually more likely sincere sincerity. I then went to an after-party where I did more awkward standing and then to an after-after-party where, again, I awkwardly stood. Then I went to sleep.

The name of my play was "Mr. Sawyer's 4th Grade International History Class Presents The "Rape" of the Merchant Class: A Discussion Play in Five Acts by Shaw Williams Ibsen." I will most likely register it with the Writer's Guild at some point. If you would care to read it let me know. I should have a copy of it on DVD some time in the next 2-12 months.


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