Saturday, May 07, 2005


In about a half hour, I'm going to be heading off to the Commonwealth College Celebration of Excellence. Essentially, UMass is far to big to recognize graduating seniors individually. While this is a bummer for parents and nerdy kids, I couldn't be happier that on May 22, commencement will be about an hour and a half long and then I can get out of there. I care so little about my actual commencement that I told my parents not to bother coming up for it.

But Commenwealth College, an organization that has been nothing but a pain in the ass for the past four years, what with all their paperwork, weekly emails, and stupid "harder" classes, feels that us "elite" should be individually recognized by a panel of people whom I've never met/seen/care to see/or care to meet. But I'm going, mainly for my parents who say "I'm only going to graduate from college once" (fingers crossed that I get rich/famous/rich enough to never need grad school).

So today, I'm going to the Commonwealth College Celebration of Excellence today... where I'll pick up my Honors cord so that in two weeks, when I really graduated, I can stick out in a football field of mediocrity. The real kick in the balls is that this is all an empty gesture. I STILL HAVE THREE DAYS OF CLASSES! Why are we celebrating my excellence when I'm not even sure I'm graduating? (Note: I am graduating, barring an F in Costume Design which surprisingly is not very likely to happen). In High School, I think we got our National Honor Society sashes after school in a meeting where we talked about building a park bench or tree or something in honor of drunk driving. I could have to a meeting. That would have been fine with me.

But alas, as I sit here in my pajamas with 27 mins till my ride shows up, my parents are presumably on the road and I'm going to get dressed and then sit in a sea of boring for two hours and then eat some Italian food at Pinocchio's Del Cucinajsjaginnisalda and then guilt-trip my parents into taking me grocery shopping. If all goes well, I'll post what I got at the grocery store right here in this very blog! Won't that be exciting, Steve?


Blogger Unknown said...

mmm food

9:25 AM  

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