My favorite part is when they announced the names of the 40 graduating nerd kids who received research grants, had them all come up and stand on the stage, and then had them all sit back down. No certificates, no handshakes, no nothing. That's what you get for all your ambition, smart kids! A whole fat load of nothing!
But it guess yesterday sort of marked the beginning of the end of college. Here's a rundown of what I have left to do in the next two weeks.
Monday- Final Ghosts class, second to last Costume Design class, and last Playwrighting class
Tuesday- Usually on Tuesdays and Thursdays I try and sub teach for $70 a day in Amherst but not this week. This Tuesday is going to be filled trying to hammer out a 15 page paper on the classic moralist tradition of comedy originated by Aristophanes, revived by George Bernard Shaw, and carried today by Tony Kushner and Paula Vogel. Mixed into all this is discussion about the psychological/physiological nature of laughter, Freud's theories on jokes, and Lenny Bruce. It's a real humdinger of boringness that would only be interesting to people who like boring.
Wednesday- Last Costume Design class where we present rough sketches of five designs and the color schemes we'll use for each. Yes. It is that exciting.
Thursday- I might sub if I can get that fifteen page paper done. But of course, if I get that fifteen page paper done, I could take Thursday and write my ten page paper on liminality
Angels in America or draw and color those five designs from wednesday over.
Friday- Turn in my fifteen page paper in around noon or so and then go to sleep till 6pm. Then at 7pm, I'm going to the Fine Arts Center so that I can pick up all my information about Play-in-a-Day. I'm one of five playwrights (me, the only undergrad and four pros) who will be given a prompt line or word or something and then a set number of actors and their bios and then go home and write a play between the hours of 8pm and 8am. I might update live all night on and I'm definetly going to the Whately Diner at 3:00Am with Seangeorge and possible SCotes. If you'd like to watch the progress live, tune in at 8pm Friday night and keep hitting refresh on your browser until something pops up thats new. If you'd like to eat greasy diner food at 3:00 Am, meet us at the Whate.
Saturday- I turn my play in at 8am and then hopefully go home and sleep all day. Then at 8PM in the Rand Theater, all five new plays will be presented by a company of actors and tech people who have been working on them all day. If you'd like to go, tickets are only a dollar for students. It should be great at best and interesting at least. Then there will probably be a party.
Sunday- I'm going to be finishing up the work that I didn't get done on Thursday
Monday- Turn in ten page
Angels paper. Finish Costume work.
Tuesday- Turn in Costume work.
Wednesday-Saturday- Nothing. Maybe subbing. Maybe not. Might try and go down and watch the Great and Secret Show that Thursday. I should probably email Chris/Dave (Dave, if you read this, I'm going to email you).
Sunday- Commencement 2005. If it's sunny and I can get a ride, I'll go. If it's rainy, I'll sleep. Either way, it's going to be a waste of time.
After that? Who knows. I'll be working at the Registry most likely this summer and then hopefully getting famous and rich and famous after that.